TOLERATE aims to deliver 8 highly skilled professionals that have the expertise and skills to operate at the center of a multidisciplinary, multisectoral team.

This will require training of our DCs in

The clinical, biotechnological and technical aspects of therapeutics and diagnostics for autoimmune diseases

The ethical, administrative, regulatory and legal aspects in developing and implementing of therapeutics and diagnostics for autoimmune diseases

Innovation management of therapeutics and diagnostics for autoimmune diseases

The integrative approach in conceptualizing, developing, validating, and exploiting novel therapeutic and diagnostic solutions for autoimmune diseases as envisioned by TOLERATE, requires bringing together experts in multidisciplinary teams, covering both the clinical, biological and technological perspective and bridging the academic and private commercial sector. In addition, the TOLERATE DCs will obtain a broad set of transferable skills including communication skills (verbal and written), management and entrepreneurial and career development skills.

Researchers combining this set of expertise and skills are scarce, which lies at the root of the aforementioned shortcomings of current novel therapeutics and diagnostics for autoimmune diseases.

For each DC a training plan will be defined with a long-term view to provide them with comprehensive assets, including intersectoral competency for career development in academic and private sectors. The personalized training programme will include clear research objectives; outreach activities; skills portfolio; secondment plan.

Active participation of the DCs in the management of the TOLERATE project will be encouraged (through representation in the Supervisory Board, presentations, discussions) as an essential part of their training to develop transnational leadership and collaborative skills.

The core of the TOLERATE training programme is formed by four modules that together cover the full spectrum of education within the multidisciplinary research field on TTP clinics and related technologies, as well as training in transferable skills. The training modules consist of a set of general training elements that provide an introductory, and a set of specific training elements that will strengthen the expertise of the DC on the topic involved.

TOLERATE training modules includes: Clinical Aspects; Immunotechnology; Transferable Skills; Entrepreneurship and Innovation.